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Renesansa alegorije. Alegorija, simbol, fragment.

Author: Jelka Kernev-Štrajn
Year: 2009

Kernev Štrajn’s book discusses the concepts of alegory, symbol, and fragment not only as rhetorical figures and literary genres, but as textual strategies that imply a certain experience of art and the world. The historical outline of the concepts discussed goes back to the early Christian and medieval notions; in some respects, in contemporary poststructuralist theories that renovate the notion of allegory, it is possible to discern a striking resemblance to the old insights. A chapter is devoted to the comparative analysis od Dante's Divine Comedy and Prešeren’s Baptism at the Savica (1836) with regard to the relationship between symbol and allegory and their genre idenitities. The concluding chapter connects the preliminary findings and indicates how it would be possible to use the concept of allegory in the analysis of contemporary literary texts.

Table of content

Uvodna beseda

Alegorija in simbol. Opredelitev pojmov in selektiven pogled v zgodovino

Antična in srednjeveška pojmovanja

Razlika med klasično in krščansko alegorično inerpretacijo

Alegorija in verbis in alegorija in factis

Romantika in weimarska klasika. O razmerju med alegoričnim in simbiličnim načinom reprezentacije

Renesansa alegorije v 20. stoletju

De Manovo razumevanje alegorije in simbola

Kriegerjevapolemika z de Manovo teorijo alegorije

Benjaminova filozofija alegorije

Alegorija po Finemanu

Alegorija po Owensu – vprašanje fragmentarnosti

Žanrska problematika in vprašanja fragmenta. Krst pri Savici in Božanska komedija

Literarni fragment

O alegoričnem in simboličnem branju Prešernovega Krsta pri Savici

Poststrukturalistični pogled na funkcijo alegorije v Božanski komediji

Sklepna beseda


Imensko kazalo



literary genres
literary theory
rhetorical figures


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