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Pretrgane korenine. Sledi življenja in dela Rajka Ložarja.
Displaced Roots. The life and work of Rajko Ložar.

Edited by: Ingrid Slavec Gradišnik
Year: 2005

The book contains 23 articles from various disciplines, reflecting Ložar’s intellectual work in Slovenia and in emigration. Rajko Ložar – an ethnologist, archeologist, art historian, literary, art, and music critic, museum worker, and publicist – was engaged in scholarly and professional work in Slovenia until the end of the Second World War. He lived and worked in Austrian Carinthia until the end of 1951 as a professor, collector, and researcher of ethnographic material, and then emigrated to the United States, where he was the director of the City Museum of Manitowoc, WI from 1956 until his retirement in 1969. His death there in 1985 marked the end of a variegated life and career.

The articles join together the observations of scholars that have addressed Ložar and his work or were his successors, as well as those that knew him personally. Indirectly, through Ložar’s work, the articles discuss the history of the disciplines that he was connected with, and at the same time serve as narratives about the broader historical, social, and intellectual pulse of the time he worked in. The publication includes a bibliography of Ložar’s collected published and unpublished works.

Table of content

K prebiranju sledi / On Sorting Traces (Ingrid Slavec Gradišnik)

Za uvod / Introduction (France Bernik)


Helena Ložar Podlogar, Vse je vihar razdjal... Življenje in delo Rajka Ložarja (Everything has gone with the Wind… Rajko Ložar’s Life and Work)

Kajetan Gantar, Spomini na gimnazijskega profesorja (Die Errinerungen an Rajko Ložar als Gymnasialprofessor)

Marjan Drnovšek, Ložarjevo emigrantstvo (Ložar’s Life in Emigration)

Tom Ložar, It wouldn’t be Trieste, but it’s something (Ne bil bi ravno Trst, bilo bi pa vsaj nekaj)

Jože Velikonja, Iz Ložarjevih zapiskov in pisem (From Ložar’s Correspondence and Notes)

Andrej Rot, Pravo Ameriko sem imel doma! Stiki s slovensko emigracijo (La verdadera América la tenía en mi patria! Rajko Ložar y sus relaciones con la emigración eslovena)

Urban Golob, Gornik, alpinist in alpinistični mislec (Mountaineer, Alpinist and Alpine Thinker)

Andrej Vovko, Drugi o njem. Najpomembnejši biografski prispevki o dr. Ložarju (Through the Eyes of Others. The most relevant Biographic Articles on Rajko Ložar)


Stane Gabrovec, Rajko Ložar – arheolog (Rajko Ložar – Archaeologist)

Predrag Novaković, Pogled na slovensko arheologijo in ideja arheologije (Ložar’s View on Slovenian Archaeology and his Notion of Archaeology)

Tomaž Nabergoj, Muzealec v Narodnem muzeju in začetki arheologije srednjega veka (Ložar as Curator at the National Museum and his Beginnings in the Archaeology of the Middle Ages)

Anton Velušček, Ljubljansko barje v koliščarski dobi (The Ljubljansko Barje during the Pile Dwelling Period)


Damjan Prelovšek, Rajko Ložar – umetnostni zgodovinar (Rajko Ložar – Art Historian)

Milček Komelj, Rajko Ložar in sodobna slovenska likovna umetnost (Rajko Ložar and Modern Fine Arts)

Matija Ogrin, Literarnokritiški in estetski pogledi na slovensko literaturo (Ložar’s Critical and Aesthetic Views of Slovenian Literature)


Marjeta Humar, Raziskave slovenskega jezika (Ložar’s Research of Slovenian Language)

Herta Maurer-Lausegger, Slovensko-nemška dvojezičnost na Koroškem in Rajko Ložar (Slowenisch-deutsche Zweisprachigkeit in Kärnten und Rajko Ložar)


Ingrid Slavec Gradišnik, Etnološki nazori Rajka Ložarja (Ložar’s View of Ethnology)

Helena Ložar - Podlogar, Ozadje nastanka »Narodopisja Slovencev« (The Background behind the Genesis of »Narodopisje Slovencev« / Ethnography of Slovenes)

Inja Smerdel, Pripoved »Aktov Etnografskega muzeja« 1940–1945 (»Proceedings of the Ethnographic Museum« 1940–1945)

Maja Godina - Golija, Raziskave prehrane (Ložar’s Research of Food Culture)

Janez Bogataj, Pregled ljudske obrti in trgovine v Sloveniji (Ložar’s Review of Folk Crafts and Trade in Slovenia)

Vito Hazler, Raziskave koroškega stavbarstva (Ložar’s Research of Vernacular Architecture in Carintia)

Bibliografija Rajka Ložarja / Rajko Ložar’s Bibliography

Avtorji / Contributors

More ...

Bernard Nežmah: Sledi življenja in dela Rajka Ložarja; Mladina 41/2005 (14.10.2005)


collective volume
Ložar, Rajko
Slovenian archaelogy
Slovenian ethnology


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