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Monografija sladkovodnih in kopenskih alg v Sloveniji
Monograph on Freshwater and Terrestrial Algae in Slovenia

Authors: Gorazd Kosi, Aleksandra Krivograd-Klemenčič, Nataša Smolar-Žvanut, Danijel Vrhovšek
Year: 2006

The present monograph is a nationally and internationally significant scientific and technical work since it presents a synthesis of new and important past information on the biodiversity of cyanobacteria and algae in Slovenia.

The monograph compiles (quotes) historic references in which the oldest (first) statements on the occurrence of algae species were published in Slovenia. For the first time, the species with their classical location in Slovenia are presented in a synthetic way, which gives a special stamp to the natural and cultural identity of our country.

The central part of the monograph, i.e. the presentation of all hitherto collected data on the locations of individual taxa of cyanobacteria and algae, their habitats and the data sources, is based on the DABA database of the Limnos Company for Applied Ecology, Ljubljana.

Table of content


1 Uvod

1.1 O algah

1.2 Algologija v Sloveniji

1.3 Seznam alg, ki imajo svoje klasično nahajališče v Sloveniji

1.4 Ogroženost alg

1.4.1 Ohranjanje pestrosti alg

2 Metode dela

2.1 Zbiranje podatkov

2.2 Obdelava podatkov

2.3 Način predstavitve rezultatov

3 Pregledni del

3.1 Število na slovenskem ozemlju najdenih sladkovodnih in kopenskih vrst in podvrst alg od leta 1924 do 2005

3.2 Razlaga šifranta habitatov

3.3 Viri

3.4 Pregled sistema

3.5 Seznam na slovenskem ozemlju najdenih sladkovodnih in kopenskih vrst in podvrst alg od leta 1924 do 2005

4. Literatura

5 Abecedno kazalo




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