The lake-dwelling phenomenon
Katia F. Achino, Anton Velušček
Knjiga raziskuje pojav kolišč z inovativnega vidika: upošteva in poskuša rekonstruirati procese nastajanja in razgradnje, ki potekajo in sodelujejo pri ustvarjanju arheološkega zapisa, ki ga ne odkrijemo po tisočletjih, pri čemer se osredotoča predvsem na evropske študije primerov. Drugi del knjige je usmerjen v raziskovanje pojava koliščarskih naselbin na Ljubljanskem barju, pri čemer so na novo začrtani glavni koraki raziskave, odkritja in morebitna nova osvetlitev nekaterih še vedno odprtih vprašanj.
Kazalo vsebine
1. Formation and deformation processes (Katia F. ACHINO)
- 1.1 Introduction: diversity and variety of wetland archaeology
- 1.1 Lake-dwellings: “triumph and tragedy” of the Pompeii Hypothesis
- 1.2 The pre-depositional status: general definition
- 1.2.1 The first natural formation process
- 1.2.2 The wetland ecosystems: features and formation
- 1.2.3 The pre-depositional status of wetland lacustrine archaeological contexts.12
- 1.3 The intra-depositional phase
- 3.1 The first anthropogenic intra-depositional process: the biography of houses in wetland context
- 3.2 The living floors of lake-side settlements
- 3.3 Fire events as expression of natural process as well as anthropogenic activity
- 3.4 Natural intra-depositional processes
- 3.4.1 Lake-level fluctuations
- 1.4 The lakeside settlement abandonment: introduction
- 1.4.1 Different abandonment modes in the lakeside settlements context
- 1.4.2 The causes of abandonment in the lakeside settlements context
- 1.5 Post-depositional processes in the lakeside settlements context
- 1.5.1 Natural post-depositional processes
- Natural post-depositional processes on an artefact scale
- Natural post-depositional processes in a semi micro scale: the lakeside settlements perspective
- Pedoturbation processes in a regional analysis scale
- 1.5.2 Cultural post-depositional processes
- Cultural post-depositional processes: reclamation and scavenging in the lakeside settlements
- context
- Cultural post-depositional processes in lakeside settlements: the disturbance
- 1.5.3 Natural and cultural post-depositional processes: “diversity in unity”
- References
2. The Ljubljansko barje, Slovenia (Anton VELUŠČEK)
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Chronology of the pile-dwelling sites in the Ljubljansko barje
- 2.3 A case study: pile-dwelling settlements in the Ljubljansko barje
- 2.3.1 Stilt houses?
- 2.4 Conclusion
- References