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Zgodovina glasbe na Slovenskem IV. Glasba na Slovenskem med letoma 1918 in 2018.

Author: Gregor Pompe
Year: 2019

The monograph provides a historical overview of music in Slovenia in the 20th century (more precisely between 1918 and 2018). Individual chapters are designed chronologically and discuss various compositional techniques, stylistic periods and broader phenomena related to the history of Slovenian music in the last century.

The historical “path” thus leads us from early modernism, through a clearer aesthetic commitment to New music (Expressionism, New objectivity, neoclassicism, neo-baroque, dodecaphony), specific situations related to the difficult war and post-war political situation, post-war breakthrough of modernism and its cooling in postmodernism to the contemporary situation, which is marked primarily by the general pluralism of ideas, genres and approaches. From a methodological point of view, history is primarily conceived as the history of musical works, but the author is never completely phenomenologically “pure”, as he often connects the treatment of individual works with other historical or social issues, thus drawing a broader historical fresco.

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20th century
historical surveys
Slovenian music


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