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Zbrano delo. Pesmi 1944; Nezbrane pesmi; Zgodnje pesmi; Zgodnji članki; Predavanja; Dunajska zapiska; Pisma.

Author: Ivan Hribovšek
Year: 2010

The Collected Works of Ivan Hribovšek (1923–1945) presents the entire opus of this key Slovenian figure, who died at an early age: Pesmi 1944 ('Poems' 1944), unselected and early poems, articles, lectures and letters. At the same time, it is the first new edition of Hribovšek’s poetry published in Slovenia for almost 20 years.
In his many years of research, editor France Pibernik accumulated an extensive collection of letters and biographical documents, which he then skilfully assembled into a mosaic of the poet’s tragic fate, when his young life, like so many thousands of others, was terminated after the war as a victim of the communist revolution. With this fate, Hribovšek’s poetry and its unusual literary fate stands as a testimony to the ability of the lyrical poem to survive the destructive forces of history.

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Nezbrane pesmi

Zgodnje pesmi

Zgodnji članki


Dunajska zapiska


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Marko Golja; Izšlo je, Radio Slovenija 3. program 30.3.2011 ob 17.00 uri

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26.00 €

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Hribovšek, Ivan
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