Zakaj ZDA nimajo ministrstva za kulturo. Od agrikulture do kulturne industrije, od mesta Rim do ameriške civilizacije.
Blaž Kosovel
In this book, which presents a systematic history of the concepts of culture and civilization from their first mentions until the 20th century, author Blaž Kosovel, Ph.D., discusses why culture did not play the same significant role in the nation-building process in the United States as it did in Europe. In fact, unlike the European creation of national culture, the process of creating the nation was very different in the United States. In the New World, the concept of a nation was formulated not as a people with a common past but as a people with a common future. The American nation was founded on a creed—the belief in the existence of a set of universal truths embodied in the functioning of its political institutions that allow economic freedom and the sanctity of private property. When the second enlargement of the American nation began in the early 20th century, to transform the growing population of heterogeneous immigrant workers in the newly industrialized country into the American nation, the cultural sphere was introduced to establish a consumer society and culture industry. Despite all the geopolitical changes that have taken place in the last decades, and although the United States has never had an institutional place of high culture or as in European countries, a Ministry of Culture, its culture industry and consumer culture still hegemonically rule the world.
Table of content
1. Agricultura
2. Civitas Romana in prvenstvo privatne lastnine
3. Nebeški Rim: Civitas Dei in krščansko kultiviranje duše
4. Severni Rim: Karel Veliki in nastanek Zahoda
1. Od courtoisie do civilité – od viteza do dvorjana
2. Nastanek družbe kot nacionalne ekonomije
3. Vrtnarji: izobraževanje in ideologija
Nastop kulture
4. Die Kultur
Herderjeva »kulturna revolucija«
Iznajdba ljudske kulture Kultur vs. civilisation: spopad dveh pojmov
Kultiviranje: Bildung in univerza
5. Angleška posebnost: skupščine svobodnjakov in iznajdba kapitalizma
1. Drugačna pot ZDA
2. Ideja novega: pomen Kolumba in njegovega popotovanja
Zadnja križarska vojna in limpieza de sangre
3. Dežela priložnosti
Delo in prilaščanje
Prva kolonija
4. Oblikovanje bele rase kot oblika kontrole revnih belcev
»razen kot kazen za zločin«
Velika migracija in getoizacija
Današnji Jim Crow in vojna proti drogam One-drop rule
Od belih do nebelih Evropejcev
Irci postanejo beli
Rasa kot objektivni znanstveni koncept in evgenika
5. Uspeh pri demokratičnem ljudstvu
Mesto na hribu, upanje in uspeh
Opravek v divjini
Mestne skupščine in demokratično ljudstvo
6. Afirmacija svobode kot privatne lastnine
Deklaracija neodvisnosti in ustava
Razlika med ameriško in francosko revolucijo
Ameriški kredo – prepričanje kot temelj nacionalnosti
7. Osvajanje Zahoda: širitev ZDA s kontinentalno kolonizacijo
8. Izum korporacije kot osebe
Sodobni management – učinkovitost kot osnova delovanja
9. Svet kot laboratorij: progresivna doba in managiranje družbe
Oblikovanje potrošništva in kulturne industrije
Summary: Why the United States Has Never Had a Department of Culture Bibliografija
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