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Več glav več ve. Frazeologija in paremiologija v slovarju in vsakdanji rabi.
Zwei Köpfe wissen mehr als einer. Phraseologie und Parömiologie im Wörterbuch und Alltag.
Two Heads are Better Than One. Phraseology and Paremiology in Dictionaries and in Everyday Use.

Edited by: Saša Babič, Vida Jesenšek
Year: 2014

The monograph compiles contributions based on papers presented at the international conference titled More Heads are Better Than One: Phraseology and Paremiology in Dictionaries and in Everyday Use, which was held in Maribor and Ljubljana on 18 and 19 April 2013. The participation of researchers working on two projects – The phraseology of the German language: German-Slovenian intercultural and contrastive aspects (Department of Germanic Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor) and Slovenian proverbs as cultural heritage: classification and revision of the corpus (Institute of Slovenian Ethnology, SRC SASA Ljubljana) – at the joint conference resulted in the combination of phraseological and paremiological themes. Different approaches shed light on current topics and issues related to historical hearings, inclusion of idioms and proverbs in language learning, modern approaches to collecting, publishing and researching of paremiological units.

Table of content

Kazalo vsebine

I Frazeologija in paremiologija slovenskega in nemškega jezika v dveh raziskovalnih projektih / Phraseology and Paremiology of Slovene and German in the Scope of Two Research Projects

1 Frazeologija nemškega jezika: slovensko-nemški kontrastivni in medkulturni vidiki. Predstavitev projekta / Presentation of the Project Phraseology of the German Language: German-Slovene

Intercultural and Contrastive Aspects  (Vida Jesenšek)

2 Slovenski pregovori kot kulturna dediščina: klasifikacija in redakcija korpusa. Predstavitev projekta / Presentation of the Project Slovenian Proverbs as Cultural Heritage: Corpus Classification

and Editing (Marija Stanonik )

II Frazeologija in paremiologija v vsakdanji rabi. Etimološki, kontrastivni, družbeni in didaktični vidiki / Phraseology and Paremiology in Everyday Use: Etymological, Contrastive, Societal and Didactic Aspects

3 Pregovori v Svetem pismu / Proverbs in the Bible (Bogdan Dolenc)

4 Non scholae sed vitae discimus: vpliv klasične gimnazije na prevzemanje latinskih pregovorov v slovenščino / Non Sholae Sed Vitae Discimus: The Influence of Grammar School on Adopting Latin Proverbs into Slovenian Language (Sibil Gruntar Vilfan)


5 Ekvivalentnost slovaških in slovenskih pregovorov. Pristop k tipologiji ekvivalentnosti / Equivalence Between Slovak and Slovene Proverbs: An Approach Towards a Typology of Equivalence (Peter Ďurčo, Matej Meterc)

6 (Iz)lastnoimenske sestavine v slovenskih in nemških frazemih / (De-)Onymic Components in Slovene and German Phrasemes (Melanija Larisa Fabčič, Elizabeta Bernjak )

7 Poznavanje in raba slovenskih pregovorov. Študija iz vzhodnega dela slovenskega jezikovnega prostora / Knowing and Using Proverbs: A Study of the Eastern Part of the Slovene Language

Realm (Alja Lipavic Oštir)

8 Phraseologie im GER und Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Wieso, weshalb, warum? / Phraseology in CEFR and German as a Foreign Language: When, How, Why? (Erla Hallsteinsdóttir)

9 Phraseologische Einheiten im DaF-Unterricht: Vorschlag eines didaktischen Konzepts / The Use of Phraseological Units in Teaching German as a Foreign Language: A Proposal for a Didactic Concept (Brigita Kacjan, Saša Jazbec )

10 Multifaktorielle Analyse der rezeptiven Verarbeitung von idiomatischen Phrasemen im Deutschen als Fremdsprache / Multifactorial analysis of the comprehension of idiomatic phrasemes in German as a foreign language (Teodor Petrič )

III Frazeologija in paremiologija v slovarju. Metodološki vidiki / Phraseology and Paremiology in Dictionaries: Methodological Aspects

11 Priprava in preverjanje paremiološkega gradiva za objavo / Preparation and revision of paremiological material for publication (Saša Babič, Simona Janež, Matej Veider)

12 Pregovori in reki na Koroškem / Proverbs in Carinthia (Martina Piko-Rustia )

13 Zur Darstellung von Sprichwörtern in deutsch-kroatischen Übersetzungswörterbüchern / Presentation of Proverbs in Bilingual German-Croatian Dictionaries (Željka Matulina )

14 Die pragmatische Orientierung der Idiomatik Deutsch-Spanisch (2013): eine Brücke zwischen Metaphraseografie und Phraseografie / Pragmatic Orientation of the Bilingual Idiomatic

Dictionary Idiomatik Deutsch-Spanisch (2013): A Bridge Between Metaphraseography and Phraseography (Carmen Mellado Blanco )

15 Spletni frazeološko-paremiološki portal: redakcijska vprašanja ob slovenskem jezikovnem gradivu / Phraseological-Paremiological Web Portal: Observing Editing Issues Based on Slovenian Language Data (Vida Jesenšek, Natalija Ulčnik )

16 Text Search Engine for the Purpose of Linguistic Research (Marjan Krašna, Bojan Bedrač, Vida Jesenšek)

Spremna beseda (Vida jesenšek, Saša Babič)

Foreword (Vida jesenšek, Saša Babič)

Imensko kazalo / Index

Regular price
19.00 €

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German language
international proceedings
Slovene language


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