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Priročnik za interpretacijo dediščine [drugi natis]
Priručnik za interpretaciju baštine

Edited by: Mirna Draženović, Aleš Smrekar
Year: 2021

The interpretation of natural and cultural heritage is an increasingly popular form of raising visitors’ awareness of the importance of heritage for future generations. This manual presents the differentiation between natural and cultural heritage. It includes the benefits of interpretation and the process of planning it. The ecomuseum is illustrated as a successful example of merging natural and cultural heritage. The interpretative infrastructure differs outdoors and indoors. Special emphasis has been placed on personal interpretation with a presented example of an interpretative presentation. Interpretations are also becoming frequently included into festival events, performances, creative workshops, temporary and traveling exhibitions, artistic residency programs, scientific and research activities as well as sports programs and events. The final section of the manual contains writing aids, where the emphasis is on the fundamentals of writing and constructing an interpretative text and also features some tips for interpretative writing. The presented visual image also plays an important role in the interpretation.


cultural heritage
cultural heritage
natural heritage


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