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Late La Tene-Roman cemetery in Novo mesto. Ljubljanska cesta and Okrajno glavarstvo: studies on fibulae and on the relative chronology of the Late La Tene period.
Poznolatensko-rimsko grobišče v Novem mestu. Ljubljanska cesta in Okrajno glavarstvo: študije o fibulah in o relativni kronologiji pozne latenske dobe.

Author: Dragan Božič
Year: 2008

The book contains a presentation of all preserved archaeological finds discovered in 1890 in Novo mesto on part of a road that until 1993 was the initial part of Ljubljanska cesta (Ljubljana road) and from then on the beginning of Seidlova cesta (Seidl's road), and of finds excavated in 1902 in the area of Okrajno glavarstvo (District board). The monograph also includes studies of some types of Late La Tène fibulae and a study on the relative chronology of the Late La Tène period.

The author suggests for the cemetery, which till now appeared in the literature under the name Beletov vrt, a new name “Beletov vrt cemetery with its surroundings”. It is composed of three main (Ljubljanska cesta, Okrajno glavarstvo and Beletov vrt) and two smaller parts (Hiša Vojska and Skabernetov vrt). The chapter on the history of research, including the transcriptions of all important written sources from the time before World War I, is devoted to this cemetery, as well as the chapter on its chronology.
In the catalogue, on the plates and on some of the figures, the finds from the Ljubljanska cesta and Okrajno glavarstvo areas are presented; they are kept in the prehistoric and Roman collections as well as in the Coin Cabinet of the National Museum of Slovenia in Ljubljana.
The studies of fibulae are devoted to the variants of the Nauheim type, appearing on the sites of the Mokronog Group in central and eastern Slovenia, to the Nova vas type fibulae and to the arched fibulae of the Idrija Ia type.
A special chapter is devoted to the relative chronology of the Late La Tène period in the south-eastern Alpine area (the Mokronog Group and Magdalensberg in the Austrian Carinthia) and in northern Italy (Lombardy and the Veneto).

Table of content

1. Introduction / Uvod

2. History of research of the Beletov vrt cemetery with its surroundings / Zgodovina raziskav grobišča Beletov vrt z okolico

  • 2.1 History of research / Zgodovina raziskav
  • 2.2 Written sources for the history of research / Pisni viri za zgodovino raziskav

3. Some types of the Late La Tène fibulae / Nekatere vrste poznolatenskih fibul

  • 3.1 Introduction / Uvod
  • 3.2 Fibulae of the Nauheim type / Fibule vrste Nauheim
  • 3.3 Fibulae of the Nova vas type / Fibule vrste Nova vas
  • 3.4 Arched fibulae of the Idrija Ia type / Usločene fibule vrste Idrija Ia

4. Chronological outline of the Beletov vrt cemetery with its surroundings / Kronološki oris grobišča Beletov vrt z okolico

  • 4.1 The Beletov vrt area / Območje Beletovega vrta
  • 4.2 The Okrajno glavarstvo area / Območje Okrajnega glavarstva
  • 4.3 The Ljubljanska cesta area / Območje Ljubljanske ceste

5. On the relative chronology of the Late La Tène period in the south-eastern Alpine area and northern Italy / O relativni kronologiji pozne latenske dobe v jugovzhodnih Alpah in severni Italiji

  • 5.1 The Mokronog Group / Mokronoška skupina
  • 5.2 Magdalensberg / Štalenska gora
  • 5.3 Northern Italy / Severna Italija
  • 5.4 Comparison of chronologies / Primerjava kronologij

6. Catalogue / Katalog

  • 6.1 Introduction / Uvod
  • 6.2 Novo mesto – Ljubljanska cesta
  • 6.3 Novo mesto – Okrajno glavarstvo
  • 6.4 Novo mesto
  • 6.5 Missing and not illustrated finds / Manjkajoče in nenarisane najdbe

7. Lists of the fibulae of the Nova vas and Idrija Ia type / Seznama fibul vrst Nova vas in Idrija Ia

8. Bibliography / Literatura

9. Origin of illustrations / Izvor slikovnega gradiva

10. Plates / Table

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Late Iron Age
Novo mesto
Roman period
Southeastern Alps


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