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Kako pisati literarno zgodovino danes. Razprave.

Edited by: Darko Dolinar, Marko Juvan
Year: 2003

Postmodernism has cast radical doubts on the objectivity of history, while demanding historicization from all modes of knowledge. Reflection on historicity has thus become a crux of the humanities in general. The volume joins the emerging field of literary metahistory. Scholars from Central Europe critically apply the perspectives of hermeneutics, reception esthetics, poststructuralism, new historicism, cognitivism, systems approaches, dialogical comparatistics, Slavic studies, critical narratology, and cultural and gender studies in order to answer how, on what epistemological bases, with what goals, and for which audiences it is still possible to write literary history that meets contemporary scholarly standards without sacrificing the specificity of its research object and methods.

Contributors: Vladimir Biti, Silvija Borovnik, Darko Dolinar, Marijan Dović, Marko Juvan, Jelka Kernev Štrajn, Alenka Koron, Janko Kos, Lado Kralj, Marija Mitrović, Vladimír Papoušek, Ivo Pospíšil, Janez Strutz, Jola Škulj, Bożena Tokarz, Ivan Verč, Peter Zajac, Miloš Zelenka, Peter V. Zima.


20th century
literary historians
literary history
Slovenian literary history


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