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Historični seminar 13

Edited by: Mojca Žagar Karer, Katarina Šter
Year: 2018

The volume Historični seminar 13 ('Historical Seminar 13') offers a selection of articles that have been “filtered” through the cycle of lectures over the past two years. These articles were written by ten researchers from Slovenia, Austria, Croatia, and Germany. Historični seminar 13 continues to examine its origin in the humanities by looking at history and describing the past, with perspectives that are also directed toward other disciplines: geography, comparative literature, ethnomusicology, and cultural anthropology. However, it always maintains a critical distance, which is emphasized in various ways because many of the articles question previous assumptions of past studies and their subjective points of departure. In this manner, this volume makes an important contribution to critical thought about scholarship in general and about the future tasks of the humanities and the social sciences. At the same time, it adds an increasingly current ethical touch to much of its material. Historični seminar 13 is freely available online.

Table of content


Johannes Seidl: Zu einigen personengeschichtlichen Projekten zur Erforschung der Universität Wien im Spätmittelalter: Ihre Bedeutung für die Geistesgeschichte Sloweniens
Bojan Godeša: Spremembe v vrednotenju druge svetovne vojne na Slovenskem po padcu berlinskega zidu
Verena Perko: Palmira, ljubezen moja
Primož Gašperič: Stari zemljevidi ozemlja Slovenije
Marlena Plavšić: Mental Health and Mental Illnesses from a Historical Perspective
Urška Bratož: »Delalcu ne ostane druzega, nego, da sam premisli, kako bi se preskrbel tudi v slučaju bolezni …«: O delavcih, obrtnikih in podpornem društvu v Kopru
Erwin Köstler in Andrej Leben: Metodološki pogledi na nadregionalni interakcijski prostor sodobne koroške slovenske literature v Avstriji
Drago Kunej: Gramofonske plošče – vez med ljudskim in komercialnim
Kornelia Ehrlich: Creative City Ljubljana? A Cultural-Anthropological Approach to “Making” a Creative City

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