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Glasbeni barok na Slovenskem in evropska glasba. Zbornik referatov z mednarodnega simpozija 13. in 14. oktobra 1994 v Ljubljani.
Baroque Music in Slovenia and European Music. Proceedings from the international symposium held in Ljubljana on October 13th and 14th, 1994.

Edited by: Ivan Klemenčič
Year: 1997

Proceedings of the international conference held in Ljubljanain 1994, and organized by the Institute of Musicology. Included are the articles of the following contributors: Katarina Bedina, Marija Bergamo, France Bernik, Bojan Bujić, Jože Faganel, Tomaž Faganel, Rudolf Flotzinger, Ivan Klemenčič, Metoda Kokole, Koraljka Kos, Damjan Prelovšek, Jirí Sehnal, Boris Šinigoj, Joze Sivec, Edo Škulj, Stanislav Tuksar.


baroque music
collective volume
European music
international proceedings
Slovenian art
Slovenian literature
Slovenian music


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