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Glasba z obeh strani. Gramofonske plošče Matije Arka in Hoyer tria.

Authors: Drago Kunej, Rebeka Kunej
Year: 2016

Matija (Matt) Arko, known to family and friends as Hojer (Hoyer), was born in Slovenia. He emigrated to the States as a teenager, bringing alongside his love for music and the accordion. Music became an important part of his life and his Hoyer instrumental trio became extremely popular amongst Slovenians as well as emigrants of other nationalities. By mixing elements of Slovenian traditional music and various popular American genres of the time, he created the foundations of the polka music, the appeal of which crossed ethnic boundaries and later on achieved general popularity. Most of Matija Arko’s tunes have been recorded on gramophone records, which give us insight into his musical activities and the history of Slovenian music in the USA. Very little is known in his homeland about Matija Arko, known in the States as Matt Hoyer, and his musical endeavours. This publication (‘Music From Both Sides. Gramophone Records Made by Matija Arko and the Hoyer Trio’) aims to shed light on his activities and music.

Table of content

Knjigi na pot

Od Matije Arka do Matta Hoyerja
                Začetek na Slovenskem
                Življenje v Ameriki in delovanje Hoyer tria
Snemanje gramofonskih plošč
                Prve snemalne naprave
                Začetek industrije gramofonskih plošč
                Prve slovenske gramofonske plošče
                Snemanje glasbe priseljencev v ZDA
                Posnetki Hoyer tria
Plošče med kupci in poslušalci
                Pomen label in oznak na ploščah
                Serije kataloških številk
                Ponatisi za novo ciljno publiko
O posneti vsebini
                Ljudska glasba na ploščah Hoyer tria
                Znanilci polka glasbe

Music from both sides
Viri in literatura
Seznam slikovnega gradiva
Stvarno in imensko kazalo

More ...

Marina Gradišnik; Glasnik Slovenskega etnološkega društva 56/1,2 (2016), str. 126–127

PLOŠČE TRIA HOYER; Demokracija 13.10.2016

Regular price
15.00 €

Online price

Arko, Matija
folk music
folk songs
gramophone records
Hoyer trio
Slovenian emigrants
Slovenian music
United States of America


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