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Filozofski vestnik

Editorial Board: Jelica Šumič Riha (Managing Editor), Peter Klepec (Editor-in-chief), Matej Ažman (Secretary), Rok Benčin, Aleš Bunta, Marina Gržinić Mauhler, Boštjan Nedoh, Tadej Troha, Matjaž Vesel, Alenka Zupančič Žerdin
Period: since 1989

Filozofski vestnik (ISSN 0353-4510) is edited and published by the Institute of Philosophy of the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Filozofski vestnik is a philosophy journal with an interdisciplinary character. It provides a forum for discussion on a wide range of issues in contemporary political philosophy, history of philosophy, history of political thought, philosophy of law, social philosophy, epistemology, philosophy of science, cultural critique, ethics, and aesthetics. The journal is open to different philosophical orientations, styles and schools, and welcomes theoretical dialogue among them.

Three issues of the journal are published annually. The second issue is a special issue that brings together articles by experts on a topic chosen by the Editorial Board. Articles are published in English, French, or German, with abstracts in Slovenian and English.

Filozofski vestnik is indexed/abstracted in the Arts & Humanities Citation Index; Current Contents / Arts & Humanities; DOAJ; EBSCO; IBZ (Internationale Bibliographie der Zeitschriften); The Philosopher's Index; Répertoire bibliographique de philosophie; Scopus; and Sociological Abstracts.

Filozofski vestnik is published with the support of the Slovenian Research Agency.

Filozofski vestnik was founded by the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

Contents and abstracts for previous years are available here.

International issues are available here.


21 € Annual Subscription & 12.5 € Annual Subscription [Students] & 10 € Individual Issue

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