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Feldmaršal Radetzky in Slovenci

Edited by: Miha Preinfalk
Year: 2017

In November 2016 we celebrated the 250th birth anniversary of one of the most renowned generals in the Habsburg monarchy – field marshal count Josef Radetzky (1766–1858). The great victor in the battles of Custoza (1848) and Novara (1849) became a model of a winning commander and his character turned into a legend. His name is nowadays linked mostly to the Austrian history and to the famous composition “Radetzkymarsch” but it is less known, that he was also an important part of the Slovenian history. His family ties brought him to Carniola, where he became the owner of two manors (Neuahus in Tržič and Podturn/Tivoli in Ljubljana). In Ljubljana there were also two public monuments erected in his memory and up till 1918 he was firmly grounded in the Slovenian collective memory, especially among soldiers. The monograph “Feldmaršal Radetzky in Slovenci” with 9 chapters of different authors presents the ties between Radetzky and the Slovenian territory in the past and today, his career, his family and also the reception of the “Radetzkymarsch” in the Slovenian history.

Table of content

Miha Preinfalk
Radetzky na Slovenskem – nekoč in danes
Miha Šimac
Vojaški stan: Radetzky in vojaška kariera
Miha Preinfalk
Feldmaršal Josef Radetzky zasebno – predniki, družina, potomci
Miha Šimac
»Oče Radecki« – drobci iz slovenskega tiska in slovstva
Jana Babšek
Grof Radetzky in Tržič
Mojca Štuhec
Tržiški Neuhaus in grof Radetzky
Ines Unetič
Feldmaršalova vrtova v Tržiču in Ljubljani
Bojan Knific
Razvijanje mita o Radetzkyjevi naklonjenosti Tržičanom
Janez Polajnar
O življenju in smrti nekega spomenika. Okoliščine postavitve in odstranitve spomenika avstrijskemu feldmaršalu Josefu Radetzkemu v Ljubljani
Nataša Cigoj Krstulović
Radetzkyjeva koračnica v zgodovini Slovencev – med himno, nostalgijo in razvedrilom
Viri in literatura
Feldmarschall Radetzky und die Slowenen (Zusammenfassung)

More ...

Vojko Urbančič: "Ljubi moji otroci, vi Slovenci"; Delo 24.10.2017



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19th century
Austrian army
collective volume
Habsburg monarchy
military history
military leaders
Radetzky von Radetz, Joseph


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