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Jews in Slovenia in the Middle Ages

Avtor: Klemen Jelinčič Boeta
Leto: 2024

Jews in Slovenia in the Middle Ages opisuje srednjeveško judovsko zgodovino Koroške, Štajerske, Kranjske, Goriške, Trsta in slovenske Beneške Istre. Opis se začne z antiko, vključno z obravnavo Ogleja, konča pa se z izgonom Judov s Koroške in Štajerske leta 1496 in Kranjske leta 1515. Angleška knjiga je predelana in posodobljena različica knjige Judje na Slovenskem v srednjem veku (Slovenska matica, 2009) in podrobno preučuje vse dosegljive vire in literaturo o njih vse do danes. Knjiga je nepogrešljiva za vse, ki poskušajo spoznati srednjeveško judovsko zgodovino Jugovzhodnih Alp, Notranje Avstrije in Slovenije.

Dr. Klemen Jelinčič Boeta je zaključil študij na univerzah v Tel Avivu in Ljubljani ter napisal vrsto knjig s področja judovskih študij v slovenščini (Kratka zgodovina Judov, Judje na Slovenskem, Judje na Slovenskem v srednjem veku in Uvod v judovstvo, 2009-2010) in akademskih člankov o srednjeveškem življenju Judov v Sloveniji tako v slovenščini kot v angleščini. Napisal je tudi knjige Vzhodne cerkve na kratko (2015), Protestantske cerkve in skupnosti (2018) ter Jeziki in ljudstva Evrope (2021), ki je izšla v slovenski in angleški različici. 

Kazalo vsebine


I Primary Sources on Jews in Medieval Slovenia

II Jews of the Southeastern Alps in Late Antiquity

III Position of Jews in the Roman world
Jewish Diaspora of the Roman Period
ChristianRoman Imperial Legislation on Jews
Early Christianity and Judaism

IV The Early Middle Ages and the ‘Jewish villages’
The Early Middle Ages
‘Jewish Villages’ and Other ‘Jewish Places’ or Judenorte

V Jewish Legal Position within Medieval Latin Europe
The Church, the Papacy and Latin Canon Law on Jews
The Restored Western Empire and the Secular Jewry laws
Servitus Iudaeorum

VI The Legal Position of Jews in Carinthia, Styria, Carniola, Gorizia County,
Trieste, and Northern Venetian Istria

Courts for Jews and Judges of the Jews
Individual Charters
Medieval Cities, Ecclesiastical Possessions and the Republic of Venice

VII Expansion of Jewish Settlement
East Tyrol
Eastern Friuli
Northern Venetian Istria

VIII Diaspora of the Southeastern Alps
Custom of Austria and Maribor
Personal Names

IX Jewish Community
Social Stratification
The Economic and Political Position of Women
Charity or Tzdakah
Taxes `
Community Officials
Rabbis and Rabbinical law
Scenes of Jewish Communal Life
Some Outstanding Individuals and Their Families
Everyday Life and Life Cycle

X Economic Activities
Mints and Toll Stations
Moneylending Activities
Other Activities

XI Living with Christians
Everyday Life
Persecutions of Jews

XII Expulsions
Deterioration of the Jewish Position in the Fifteenth Century
Expulsion from Carinthia and Styria in 1496
Expulsion from Carniola in 1515
Fate of the Exiles


Appendix: Personal Names Preserved in Documents from the Territory of the Republic of Slovenia

Sources and Literature
List of Maps
Index of Geographical Places



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