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The Ecosystem of Science Communication in the Post-Truth Era. Perspectives, Contexts, Dynamics.

Uredili: Marianne Achiam, Dejan Jontes, Anja Skapin
Leto: 2024

Poglavja zbornika predstavljajo bogat pregled raznolikosti praks komuniciranja znanosti, ki so jih razvili raziskovalci komuniciranja znanosti in strokovnjaki za to področje iz različnih držav. Zbornik prepleta krovna misel, da je dialog nujen tako med znanostjo in družbo kot tudi med akterji komuniciranja znanosti in raziskovalci iz različnih ekologij – držav, kultur, institucij in praks. Namesto da bi poskušali na novo odkrivati komuniciranje znanosti, zbornik kaže na to, da potrebujemo nove pristope za sistematično primerjavo, razlikovanje in celo integracijo komuniciranja znanosti med različnimi konteksti, disciplinami in metodami.

Kazalo vsebine

Introduction: A Fragmented and Fluctuating Landscape of Science Communication in the Post-Truth Era
Marianne Achiam, Dejan Jontes, and Anja Skapin

Post-Normal Science Communication? The Role of Science Centres and Museums in an Uncertain Future
Marianne Achiam

Why and How to Tailor Science Communication to Science Sceptics
Nejc Plohl and Bojan Musil

Science Communication in Transition Countries: The Thin Line between Trust and Distrust in Science
Tamara Dagen and Melita Kovačević

Between Techno-Science and Post-Truth: The Need for the Creation of the Figure of the Science Critic in the Public Communication of Science
César Carrillo-Trueba

Citizen Science: A Reflection on New Ways to Communicate Science
Noemi Crescentini

Assessing the Assessment of European Researchers’ Night: Findings from a Nationwide European Researchers’ Night
Afonso Pais, Renata Ramalho, and Ana Sanchez

Communicating Quantum Technologies in an Era of Mistrust and Misinformation
Simon Goorney, Federica Beduini, Maria Bondani, Laurentiu Nita, Lydia Sanmartí-Vila, Zeki Can Seskir, Jacob Sherson, and Maria Luisa Chiofalo

Knowledge and Irony: Binomial of the Post-Truth Era
Fabiana Battisti and Marco Bruno

Visual Communication Design and its Role in the Easier Understanding and Effective Retention of Ideas, Information, and Concepts in the Field of Science
Petra Černe Oven

Watering the Lava Flow: The Use of Comics in Communicating Scientific Information about Water Conservation
Cecilia Lartigue and Aquiles Negrete

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