MoMoWo. Women. Architecture & Design Itineraries across Europe.
Caterina Franchini, Emilia Garda, Sara Levi Sacerdotti, Helena Seražin
Arhitekturni vodič predstavlja izbrane projekte žensk na področju arhitekture in oblikovanja 20. in 21. stoletja. Obsega predstavitve dosežkov žensk v štirih evropskih mestih in dveh deželah: Barcelona, Lizbona, Pariz, Torino, Nizozemska in Slovenija. Vsak od teh je predstavljen z uvodnikom in tremi potmi, na koncu pa za vsako deželo sledi krajši zapis o eni od pionirk na področju arhitekture in oblikovanja. V vodiču je predstavljenih 125 objektov, poleg bogatih ilustracij pa nudi tudi osnovne informacije o dostopnosti izbrane lokacije. Kot strokovna brezplačna publikacija je izšel v okviru evropskega projekta »MoMoWo – Women's Creativity since the Modern Movement« in je dostopen tudi na domači strani projekta.
Kazalo vsebine
The Momowo Project - Women’s Creativity since the Modern Movement (1918−2018) by Emilia Garda and Caterina Franchini
Architectural Tourism by Sara Levi Sacerdotti
Discovering Tangible Cultural Heritage Created by Women across Europe by Emilia Garda and Caterina Franchini
List of Authors of the Itineraries
A Modern City With Local Identity by Ana María Fernández García
From Ancient to Modern District
From the Beach to the Hills of Barcelona
The Western Path
Architecture Studies in Spain by Ana María Fernández García
Portuguese Modern Movement by Maria Helena Souto
From Downtown Lisbon to the Hills
From Santos to Belém
Modern Lisbon
Maria Keil (1914–2012) by Maria Helena Souto
Women Architects in Paris by Alain Bonnet
The City Centre
The Rive Gauche and the Eastern Neighbourhoods
Western Districts and Champs-Élysées
Charlotte Perriand (1903–99) by Alain Bonnet
From Industry to Culture by Caterina Franchini
The City Centre Beyond the Roman Grid
From the City Borders to the Starry Hill
A New Urban Identity through the Industrial Landscape
Ada Bursi (1906–96) by Caterina Franchini
Introduction to the three Itineraries of the Netherlands by Marjan Groot
A Journey of Architecture in and near the Capital of Amsterdam
From Rotterdam to the Hague, Two Very Different Cities
Highlights: Utrecht, Leiden and Delft
Margaret Kropholler (1891–1966) by Marjan Groot
Slovene Women Architects by Helena Seražin
Ljubljana - The City of Women
From Ski to Spa
The East: From Shopping Malls to the Stadium
Gizela Šuklje (1909–94) by Helena Seražin
Index of Women Architects and Designers
Photo & Maps Credits