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Zbrano delo, 3. knjiga. Neizbrana proza 1904–1933: črtice, povesti, novele.

Author: Zofka Kveder
Year: 2013

The third book of Collected Works presents the narrative prose that writer Zofka Kveder (1878–1926) published in the daily newspaper and in journals in the years1904–1933. It was during this period that the journal Domači prijatelj ('Domestic Friend'), which Kveder edited herself, commenced publication. Kveder’s other publications from this period can be found in the following newspapers and journals: Ljubljanski zvon ('The Ljubljana Bell'), Slovenski narod ('The Slovenian Nation'), Slovan ('The Slav'), Prvi majnik ('The First May'), Rdeči prapor ('Red Flag'), Slovenska gospodinja ('The Slovenian Housekeeper') and Slovenski ilustrovani tednik ('The Slovenian Illustrated Weekly').

As such, the three books of the present series bring together the forgotten short prose of Zofka Kveder – previously spread through various newspapers and journals – enabling the reader to become familiar with the author’s short prose opus in its entirety, and facilitating new insights into the author’s artistic development and the circumstances that influenced the content, form and narrative power of the texts. The selected narratives reveal Kveder’s stylistic pluralism and the thematic constants in her creative work, which include: autobiography, women’s stories, images of village life, narratives illustrating urban life, narratives on the topic of immigration, and stories from the Balkan wars. Despite the critical distance that the writer maintained towards own work, the three books that make up Collected Works demonstrate that her short narrative prose represents one of the peaks of Slovenian modernism.

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Kveder, Zofka
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