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Author: Goran Duplančić
Year: 2022

The graphic novel Vojna ('The War') offers an insight into the war that accompanied dissolution of Yugoslavia just as it was: absurd, ripe with contradictions, fear, horror, nonsense. Told by Goran Duplančić through drawings and words, the story of a young conscript of the Yugoslav People's Army caught in the Šentvid military base in 1991 is historically very precise. Nevertheless, it will never become part of history and “official memory” of the time when the common Yugoslav state disintegrated into new national states – not only because the author is not a historian but a theoretical physicist, but even more because the grand (hi)stories which provided the foundation to these new national states cannot tolerate the absurdity, fear and contradictions, or anything that could potentially challenge their triumph.

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Gal Kovač: Nov poskus diskreditacije slovenske osamosvojitve: strip o vojni skozi oči vojaka JLA; Nova24 tv, 14. 3. 2023

Razpad Jugoslavije v stripu; pogovor v Atriju, 22. 2. 2023 (Goran Duplančić, Zoran Smiljanić, Đorđe Balmazović, moderira Tanja Petrović)

Tadeja Lukanc: Pogovor o stripu Vojna; Dnevnik, 21. 2. 2023

Nastja: Kaj, je razneslo cev? -- Ne cev, Jugo je razneslo; Striptiz, Radio Študent, 16. 2. 2023

Matic Slapšak: Vojna; blog Maticpiše, 10. 2. 2023

Ingrid Mager: V stripu je najlaže povedati travmatične zgodbe; Dnevnik, 31. 1. 2023

T. G.: Goran Duplančić, Vojna; Delo 24. 1. 2023

38. Slovenski knjižni sejem: Vojna v stripu, 22. 11. 2022

Regular price
19.00 €

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graphic novel


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