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Valvasor. Njegove korenine in potomstvo do danes.

Author: Boris Golec
Year: 2016

An almost decade of research on the Carniolan polymath Janez Vajkard Valvasor (1641–1693), especially his genealogical and social background, yielded a great deal of new and often surprising findings. Since they were too many to be dealt with appropriately in a single volume, the first of the two books, concentrating on the history of the family Valvasor from its beginnings to the extinction of its family name, appeared in 2015. The present monograph, published – like the first one – in the series “Thesaurus Memoriae”, is devoted to the polymath himself, primarily with regard to his ancestry, family environment and his descendants surviving to the present day. It was only in 2006 that the fact about Valvasor's still living descendants was revealed.

The book ('The Polymath Janez Vajkard Valvasor, His Ancestors and his Descendants to the Present Day') is divided into three parts. The first part presents the main findings on Valvasor, including the more unpleasant aspects of his life. The second part portrays Valvasor's nuclear family and his ancestors on both his maternal and paternal side, originating from today's Italy, Slovenia and Austria. Valvasor's descendants, spanning thirteen generations, are depicted in the third part of the book. The two latter parts represent a collection of different life stories from the end of the Middle Ages to the dawn of the 21st century, the stories of people living in the fluid territory between Western and Eastern Europe.

Table of content

Knjigi na pot
I Janez Vajkard Valvasor. Biografski oris kranjskega polihistorja
II Valvasorjeve korenine. Polihistorjevo genealoško in socialno ozadje
                2.1 Rod očeta Jerneja Valvasorja (ok. 1596–1651) – Valvasorji in Scheyerji
                2.2 Rod matere Ane Marije pl. Rauber (ok. 1610–1657) – Rauberji in Leysserji
                2.3 Polihistorjeva primarna družina – starša Jernej pl. Valvasor (ok. 1596–1651) in Ana Marija pl. Rauber (ok. 1610–1657)
III Polihistorjevo potomstvo do današnjih dni. Očetje in sinovi, vojna in mir, rdeče in črno, zločin in kazen
                3.1 Valvasorjevi otroci in njihove ožje družine
                3.2 Polihistorjevo potomstvo na Kranjskem do izumrtja leta 1823
                3.3 Štajerska veja polihistorjevega potomstva do razcepitve na tri veje
                3.4 Baroni Dienerspergi do ugasnitve imena in rodu v prvi polovici 20. stoletja
                3.5 Rod vitezov Resingenov do danes
                3.6 Rod vitezov Gadolla do danes
                3.7 Sklepno o podobi Valvasorjevega rodovnega debla in razselitvi njegovega potomstva
                3.8 Valvasor v spominu in zavesti svojih potomcev
                3.9 Leksikon vseh Valvasorjevih potomcev
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Iztok Ilich: VALVASOR; Bukla 13/131, 2017

JANEZ VAJKARD VALVASOR; Demokracija 12.1.2017


Regular price
38.00 €

Online price

17th century
Valvasor (family)
Valvasor, Janez Vajkard


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