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Usode prve svetovne vojne

Edited by: Mateja Ratej
Year: 2015

The book includes contributions from contemporaries of the First World War, follows their experience and adoption of global military conflict and reflecting on it. A wide range of contemporaries from different social and educational levels provides a wide range of views on the war, which is a rarity in a scientific reading of the The Great War. Although scientific monograph does not want to selectively deal with people based on their uniqueness to the Slovenian social reality, since the war is precisely the time that brutally equalizes peoples' lives and deprives them of the possibility of making decisions, some of the discussed found themselves in the epicenter of the political events which built image of post-war Europe and the Slovenian space in it.

Table of content

Irena Avsenik Nabergoj | Ivan Cankar
Pavlina Bobič | Fanny S. Copeland
Jerneja Ferlež | Franc Hrvatič
Oto Luthar | Avgust Jenko
Petra Testen | Julius Kugy
Vlasta Stavbar | Vekoslav Kukovec
Maksimiljan Fras | Fran Milčinski
Maja Godina Golija | Avgust Reisman
Martin Grum | Jurij/Đorđe Roš
Aleksandra Gačić | Bogumil Vošnjak
Radovan Pulko | Vladimir Semjonovič Žoltenko
Mateja Ratej | Marcel Žorga

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13.50 €

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Cankar, Ivan
collective volume
Copeland, Fanny Susannah
Croatič, Franc
Jenko, August
Kugy, Julius
Kukovec, Vekoslav
Milčinski, Fran
Reisman, Marcel
Roš, Jurij
Vošnjak, Bogumil
World War 1914-1918
Žoltenko, Vladimir Semjonovič
Žorga, Marcel


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