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Svetloba tudi v temì [drugi natis]. Dante Alighieri (1265–1321), pesnik in vizionar (Ob 700 letnici pesnikove smrti).

Edited by: Neža Zajc
Year: 2024

A scientific monograph illuminates the poet Dante Alighieri as one of the most unique, enigmatic, and historically innovative authors in the history of humankind. Dante appears not only to be a poet and a profound thinker but above all as a prominent literary artist, theologian, and philosopher, whose opus remains until nowadays not fully discovered and not always properly understood European intellectual. The reader is encouraged to attempt of renewed interpretation of the poetic vision that arose from Dante’s verses. The cultural-historical background and certain crucial questions about Dante’s age are also significantly enlightened. The book offers special insight into the poet’s individual (spiritual personal “laboratory”) worldview of which (main) source is still under question. 

The detailly studied chapters, that present Dante Alighieri from different points of view (biographical, cultural-historical, philologically and literary comparative, poet(olog)ical, theological, art-historical etc.) are written by the researchers: Neža Zajc, Igor Škamperle, Brane Senegačnik, Marko Marinčič, Sonja Weiss, Alen Širca, Ignac Navernik, Ines Vodopivec, Milosav Gudović, Igor Grdina, Martina Ožbot and Nunzio Ruggerio. The Summaries of the individual chapters are provided in Italian, English, and Slovene. Additionally, the content is indicated with a precised index of names.

This book is dedicated to the memory of an academic and the prominent philologist Dr. Kajetan Gantar.


Table of content

Predgovor (Neža Zajc)

Dante Alighieri: življenje, ustvarjanje, zgodovinski kontekst
Neža Zajc: Dantejeva biografska prizma: življenje, biografije, biografi-interpreti
Igor Škamperle: Dantejevo imaginarno potovanje in trije svetovi
Brane Senegačnik: Dantejevo Novo življenje: Prosimetron – dvojna tonaliteta življenja
Marko Marinčič: Ep in eshatologija imperija: Dante bere Vergilija
Sonja Weiss: Kreacija in emanacija v Dantejevi Božanski komediji
Alen Širca: Dante in vprašanje mistične poezije
Neža Zajc: Dante Alighieri in problem nesmrtnosti duše (Novo življenje, Komedija)
Ignac Navernik: O De vulgari Eloquentia in o Evinem primatu pri Danteju

Po Njem
Ines Vodopivec, Neža Zajc: Tiskana izdaja Danteja Alighierija iz zasebne slovenske zbirke, Lyon 1551.
Igor Grdina: Dante na opernem odru
Milosav Gudović: Novo življenje teokracije (vizija Bogočloveštva pri Danteju in V. V. Solovjovu)
Martina Ožbot: Dante in njegovi slovenski prevajalci
Nunzio Ruggiero: »Onorate l‘altissimo poeta». Il centenario del 1921 come soglia e come campo
Nunzio Ruggiero: »Častite največjega pesnika«. Stoletnica iz leta 1921 kot prehod in kot polje (prevod: Martin Kastelic)

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Alighieri, Dante
jubilee collective volume
literary studies


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