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Slovenski literati in cesarska cenzura v dolgem 19. stoletju

Edited by: Marijan Dović
Year: 2023

The book ('Slovenian Writers and Imperial Censorship in the Long Nineteenth Century') summarizes the results of three years of research in which members of the project group from three institutions (ZRC SAZU, UL and UNG) collaborated with invited specialists on individual censorship topics. From the perspective of censorship, the “long nineteenth century” was extremely dynamic. During this period, which is symmetrically divided into two parts by the revolutionary year of 1848, Slovenian secular literature emerged, the first newspapers appeared, and the national movement strengthened. All these processes were significantly influenced by imperial censorship: until 1848 in the form of pre-censorship, which was concretized in the censorship network of the notorious duo Metternich-Sedlnitzky, and after the March Revolution mainly in the form of post-censorship, which curbed problematic authors with the help of the judicial apparatus. The monograph consists of twenty-one richly illustrated chapters: The introduction is followed by two chronologically arranged central sections (“1789–1848: Censorship from the French Revolution to the March Revolution” and “1848–1918: Censorship from the March Revolution to World War I”), each consisting of ten chapters.

Table of content

Marijan Dović: Slovenski literati in cesarska cenzura v dolgem 19. stoletju: uvod«

I. 1789–1848: Cenzura od francoske do marčne revolucije
Monika Deželak Trojar: Linhartovo soočanje s cenzuro na dramskem in zgodovinopisnem področju
Luka Vidmar: Zois in cenzura
Matija Ogrin: Rokopisne objave prepovedanih besedil: primer slovenskih rokopisov o Antikristu
François Bouchard: Predhodna cenzura v Ilirskih provincah: Marmontova uprava
Eva Kodrič-Dačić: Prepovedane knjige v ljubljanski Licejski knjižnici
Andrejka Žejn: V kali zatrti slovenski časopis: primer cenzure Slavinje
Marko Juvan: Ironija in sentiment na literarnem polju: Prešernovi soneti in slovenska abecedno-cenzurna vojna
Andrej Pastar: Carniolia, Leopold Kordeš in nemško časopisje na Kranjskem v prvi polovici 19. stoletja
Marijan Dović: Predmarčna cenzura na Kranjskem in rojstvo Novic
Nina Ditmajer: Cenzura Kremplovih Dogodivšin štajerske zemle v Gradcu in Zagrebu

II. 1848–1918: Cenzura od marčne revolucije do vélike vojne
Sonja Svoljšak: Marčna revolucija in »svoboda tiska«: odmevi in odzivi na Kranjskem (marec–maj 1848)
Ivan Kordiš: Dogodbe ob izdaji Kozlerjevega Zemljovida slovenske dežele in pokrajin
Teodor Domej: Kratko življenje in konec časopisov Stimmen aus Innerösterreich in Slovenec
Tanja Žigon: Tiskovne pravde na Kranjskem v šestdesetih letih 19. stoletja
Damir Globočnik: Brencelj in Jurij s pušo: prva slovenska satirična lista pred porotnim sodiščem
Katja Mihurko Poniž: »Nemoralno samo po sebi«: gledališka cenzura in vzgoja nravi v dolgem 19. stoletju
Tone Smolej: »Predstava dovoljuje se izpuštivši rdeče označena mesta«: gledališka cenzura tujega repertoarja v Ljubljani (1898–1912)
Jernej Habjan: Med erotiko 19. stoletja in hlapci 20. stoletja: cenzura Cankarja
Andraž Jež: Cankar in zatiranje socialističnega tiska v obdobju Avstro-Ogrske
Petra Svoljšak: Avstrijska cenzura med prvo svetovno vojno: iz defenzive v ofenzivo

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collective volume
cultural history
literary studies
Slovenian literature


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