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Slovenski glagol [poljska]. Oblikoslovni priročnik in slovar slovenskih glagolov.
Czasownik słoweński. Podręcznik morfologiczny i słownik czasowników sloweńskich.

Author: Rada Lečič
Year: 2011

The Slovene-Polish edition of the manual contains those forms of verbs which foreign users cannot find in the available bilingual dictionaries, and will therefore shorten and simplify the path to grammatical information needed for study or translation work. As the users will be of different ages and profiles, the presentations are short and clear, allowing the fastest and most systematic access to grammatical data.

The introductory theoretical part of the manual presents morphological characteristics of the verbs. The second part introduces a list of 2610 verbs which were chosen on the basis of the frequency. Basic morphological data as well as correct accents are provided for all the verbs. With foreign users often incapable of distinguishing between the infinitive and the present tense forms, a list of verbs where the present tense form is followed by the infinitive form has been added. This list is followed by a list of 191 irregular participles, and by a list of 405 most frequent verbs. Each list contains the Polish translation of the infinitives.

The manual is designed above all for foreign speakers (students of Slovene language at universities abroad, translators and interpreters, participants of the courses of the Slovene language in Slovenia, candidates taking exams in Slovene etc.).

Table of content



Glagoli glede na končaje v sedanjiku in velelniku

Czasowniki według zakończeń w czasie teraźniejszym i trybie rozkazującym

Razvrstitev glagolov po skupinah

Klasyfikacja czasowników na grupy

Vzorci spregatev

Wzory odmian

Seznam glagolov

Lista czasowników

Legenda simbolov

Legenda symboli

Nedoločnik, sedanjik, velelnik, deležnik na -l

Bezokolicznik, czas teraźniejszy, tryb rozkazujący, imieslów na -l

Sedanjik, nedoločnik

Czas teraźniejszy, bezokolicznik

Nepravilni deležnik, nedoločnik

Nieregularny imiesłów, bezokolicznik

Najpogostejši glagoli

Najczęstsze czasowniki

Viri in literatura

Źródła i literatu

Regular price
16.00 €

Online price

Polish language
Slovene language


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