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Slovenske ljudske plesne viže, Koroška
Slovene Folk Dance Music, The Koroška region

Selected by: Rebeka Kranjec, Drago Kunej, Mirko Ramovš
Year: 2003

The audio material for the first CD from the series called “Slovenske ljudske plesne viže” (Slovene Folk Dance Music) was recorded in the Koroška Region (the alpine region in the north). A part of it was compiled in the Slovene community in Austrian Carinthia (in the areas of Ziljska dolina, Rož, Podjuna), and the other one in Slovenia (in the area of Mežiška dolina with Strojna). The recordings illustrate the dances from the same region, published in a book by Mirko Ramovš “Polka je ukazana. Plesno izročilo na Slovenskem – Koroška in zahodna Štajerska” (2000) (The Polka is Ordered. Dance Heritage in Slovenia – The Korška Region and the Western Štajerska Region). Tunes for most of the dances characteristic of Carinthian Slovenes are included in the CD. As far as form and music are concerned, their dance heritage is similar to other Slovene regions because it has developed in a similar way.

Table of content

1. Kačo zvijat

2. Kôwo vrtat

3. Povštertanc

4. Žesltanc

5. Špegutanc

6. Lisičji raj

7. Opipani rej

8. Ovsetni štajeriš v troje

9. Prvi rej

10. Polka

11. Ovsetne poskočnice

12. Polka

13. Ovsetni štajeriš

14. Ovsetni štajeriš s petjem poskočnic

15. Majpajerš

16. Zibenšrit

17. Lizipolka

18. Mazurka

19. Malender

20. Rašpla

21. Pastirica

22. Šuštarpolka

23. Vevrca

24. Polka

25. Vrtenica

26. Ceprle

27. Valček

28. Valček

29. Mlinček

30. Jes pa moja švila

31. Špacir

32. Marš

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Slovenian folk dance


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