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Slovenija XI

Edited by: Drago Kladnik
Year: 2025

The excursion coordinators of the Ljubljana Geographical Society ensured that the excursions were varied in content and added a new dimension by bringing in experts from other, non-geographical fields: history, art history, cultural studies, architecture, economics, agriculture. The new disciplines have given the guide a broader range of expertise and additional richness of content. The contributions are roughly arranged from north-east to south-west. Some of them deal primarily with cities, with a thorough presentation of their historical development, even going back to the pre-antique and ancient periods in the case of Novo mesto and Ptuj. In the case of Lendava and Koper, the emphasis is on ethnic issues, and in the case of Koper also on architectural aspects. Nova Gorica is an example of a newly conceived garden city, while Litija and Žalec are also presented. The presentations on Haloze and the hinterland villages of Koper are examples of the development renaissance of a backward rural area.

Table of content

Predgovor (Drago Kladnik)

Lendava, mesto pod vinogradi (Dejan Süč)

Ptuj (Aljoša Ciglar, Tanja Ostrman Renault, Anja Potočnik)

Kulturna in naravna dediščina Haloz (Sonja Golc, Jernej Golc)

Po dolini zelenega zlata (Maja Sirše)

Izlet v srce Slovenije (Barbara Hauptman)

Arheološko Novo mesto in poznoantični Gorjanci (Marko Senčar Mrdaković)

Iz Brezovice preko Abitantov do Hrvoj (Martin Perič)

Povojni Koper, Semedela in Ankaran (Neža Čebron Lipovec, Tim Mavrič)

V Novo Gorico, na mejno območje (Blaž Kosovel)

Regular price

collective volume
regional geography


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