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Rimska nekropola Šempeter v Savinjski dolini

Author: Katarina Šmid
Year: 2022

In the booklet on the Roman Necropolis in Šempeter v Savinjski dolini, Katarina Šmid presents to the readers one of the most important monuments from the Roman era in the territory of Slovenia. The remnants of the Šempeter Necropolis were found coincidentally in 1952, and it was immediately evident that this was an extraordinary archaeological find. The first researchers to study the necropolis were highly esteemed archaeologists Josip Klemenc, Vera Kolšek, and Peter Petru. Owing to its good preservation, they proposed a reconstruction of the Vindonius and the Secundinus family tombs, as well as the tombs of the families Ennius and Spectacius, while they also ensured their professional execution. It is evident that the necropolis in Šempeter belonged to a settlement, where the wealthy and artistically educated townsmen of Celeia lived, however, the settlement is yet to be interpreted. The skilfully carved and iconographically complex reliefs and epitaphs have been studied by numerous Slovenian and foreign connoisseurs. Katarina Šmid carefully analysed their findings and carried out comprehensive comparisons to similar monuments across the entire empire and consequently managed to resolve numerous dilemmas regarding the contents of individual reliefs, while she also came to several new conclusions about the dating of individual monuments.

The Roman Necropolis in Šempeter, which was opened to the public in 1960, is very popular among visitors. The stone tombs are placed outdoors and are noticeably decaying, which is why the proceedings for their adequate protection should be accelerated.

More ...

Marko Golja: Rimska nekropola Šempeter v Savinjski dolini; RTVSLO, Ars, Izšlo je, 23.3.2023

Rozmari Petek: Kaj so si rimski veljaki zaželeli na svojih spomenikih?; Večer, 13. 3. 2023

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12.00 €

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archaeological finds
art guides
Šempeter v Savinjski dolini


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