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Prevod v izvirnik. Izbrane pesmi.

Author: Jack Gilbert
Year: 2020

Jack Gilbert (1925–2012) is a major American poet of the second half of the 20th century, now translated into Slovene and Croatian for the first time. The bilingual edition consist of 35 poems, selected from his opus and following his five books, from Views of Jeopardy (1962) to The Dance Most of All (2009). Born in Pittsburgh, Gilbert spent most of his life living outside the USA, across Europe (Italy, Greece, France, England, Denmark) and in Japan. Drawing on autobiography, diverse intellectual influences and landscapes, Gilbert's poetry captures, with stark precision, the whole gamut of human emotion, typically blurring the lines between the material and immaterial. His poetic witnessing engages and often reinterprets ancient Greek myths, Chinese poetry as well as English literary classics, while his interweaving of the sacred and the profane, the elevated and the quotidian, stands apart from any facile postmodern eclecticism, being more attuned to the new materialist turn in social sciences and humanities, whereby meaning is seen to be generated interactively between human agents and matter.

Introduced by Lora Tomaš, the book marks an important contribution both to literary history and humanities at large.

Table of content

Lora Tomaš, Pesnik trdoživih vrst sreče

Orfej v Greenwich Villageu
Pred jutrom v Perugii
Belina, zvok in Alkibiad
Otoki in fige
Poezija je način laganja
Ostinato rigore
Peš domov čez otok
Prevod v izvirnik
Opis sreče v Kopenhagnu
Véliki ognji
Najti nekaj
Prospero brez čarovniških moči
V iskanju Pittsburgha
Med staranjem in biti star
Predstavljam si bogove
Epistola za obrambo
Noč čarovnic
Porazi in poleti
Goreti (Andante non troppo)
Zapuščena dolina
Izgubljeni hoteli v Parizu
Zavrnitev nebes
Konji opolnoči brez meseca
Še več
Ovid v solzah
Potem živeti z lakoto
Boj se modrosti
Prospero gre domov
Zbujanje ponoči

More ...

Meta Kušar: Ameriški pesnik Jack Gilbert (1925–2012) »Zmoremo brez ugodja, a ne brez navdušenja.«; RTV Slovenija, Radio prvi, Literarni večeri, 11. 3. 2021.

Manca Košir: Prevod v izivrnik; Bukla, januar-februar 2021

Igor Divjak: Življenje kot pesniška pustolovščina; Delo, Književni listi, 1. 12. 2020

Regular price
12.00 €

Online price

Gilbert, Jack


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