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Pravopisne kategorije ePravopisa 2023

Edited by: Helena Dobrovoljc, Tina Lengar Verovnik, Urška Vranjek Ošlak, Manca Černivec
Year: 2024

Pravopisne kategorije ePravopisa 2023 (‘Orthographic Categories of ePravopis 2021’) include descriptions of completed problem sets that allow the language users to follow the revision process of the normative rules and the orthographic dictionary. The dictionary (ePravopis) contains entries with specific information on word notation, pronunciation, textual usage, morphological features and word formation possibilities; orthographic categories, on the other hand, provide the language user with additional knowledge about the specific problem areas of Slovenian orthography to which the selected dictionary entries refer. It also explains which other words belong to this category and how the problem is solved in the normative rules. Orthographic Categories of ePravopis 2023 include six new orthographic categories: (1) Czech, (2) Estonian, (3) Finnish, (4) Polish, (5) Slovak, (6) Names of administrative (provincial) units. The already introduced problem sets have also been supplemented, above all the ones dealing with proper names from the proposal of the new normative rules’ chapter titled “Grammatical Description for the Orthographic Manual”.

orthographic dictionaries
orthographic rules
Slovene language


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