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Pod gorami. Folklorne in spominske pripovedi iz krajev pod Dobrčo, Kriško goro, Storžičem in Krvavcem.

Edited and illustrated by: Miha Mohor
Year: 2017

The forty-ninth book from the collection Glasovi (Voices) is titled Pod Gorami (Under Mountains). The book contains folk tales from Upper Carniola region, more precisely from under Karavanke mountains and the Kamnik Alps. 526 texts were collected by forty-five collectors from seven municipalities, Naklo, Tržič, Preddvor, Kranj, Šenčur, Cerklje and Komenda, all of them eager to preserve Slovene cultural heritage. Additional thirty-two collectors are included; they have previously published in local and thematic journals of Primary School Davorin Jenko in Cerklje and Primary School Matija Valjavec in Preddvor. Already half a century ago, non-material heritage was collected as a part of homeland studies projects. They collected tales and testimonials of 137 local people and additionally added their own memoirs on the life long gone by.

Despite this area has a rich history, only bits and pieces of old spiritual legacy have been preserved since the times of migrations of peoples, through the Middle Ages until today. This is the reason why you will not find any fairy tales and only a few myths that preserve the traces of old beliefs and different experiencing of the world. There are no genuine legends preserved as well; this chapter mostly consists of people’s memories of the celebrations and the events connected to Christian tradition on the countryside. Story-tellers rationalize old memories that go far back as historical tales, which tell stories about medieval plague, castles, Napoleon’s soldiers, military refugees, important inhabitants, wars, camps, ideological chicanery and economic advancement following the war. Similar to these are interpretative tales which explain household names as well as fearful tales, which seek explanations for daunting events.
The main reason for the retreat of fantastic from everyday life can be seen in the social and economic development of this part of Upper Carniola region. While villages remained closely linked to farming and agriculture until the end of the 19th century, larger settlements, especially those located on transit roads and later near the railway, started developing numerous crafts and commerce. Kranj and Tržič became one of the most significant industrial centres in Slovenia already following the First World War and many previously rural inhabitants found employment in factories. Villages began transforming into larger settlements and thus the demographic image of these places started changing. Due to that, it should come as no surprise that the chapter titled social tales, with corresponding themes of agriculture, crafts and labour, contains the largest number of tales. As most nostalgic can be seen ethnological tales, which enable the story-tellers to look back on the life and traditions that are slowly disappearing. These tales present a valuable source for further exploration of past residences, food habits, clothing, economy and hunt (hunting culture is so significant in the region that a separate section deals with tales of this type alone). Additionally, living customs are presented: life cycle from birth to death, customs through the year and working customs and traditions. This chapter includes childhood memories on boys’ mischiefs, girls’ accidents and wisdom of the old age. Humour is a significant element in anecdotes, which commemorate famous inhabitants of the region and comical tales, which conclude the book Pod gorami (Under Mountains) on a happy note.
Most of these tales are written in standard Slovene language and are occasionally coloured in dialectal manner. Especially valuable are true recordings of spoken language because they bring the vivid dialectal image of the region to life.
The editor of the collection Glasovi (Voices), PhD Professor Marija Stanonik labelled the book as “an outstanding document on the life of the inhabitants who dwell under the mountains of Upper Carniola region, a monument to people who once lived there and a gift for the future generations and fellow Slovenians at home as well as abroad. This book also has a potential of being a part of the marketing strategy for the visitors of the region. It is truly a book that does not age.”

More ...

Mirko Jakomin: Knjiga Pod gorami prinaša tudi električarske zgodbe; Naš stik, 31.1.2018

Folklorne in spominske pripovedi pod gorami; Turistično društvo Naklo, november 2017

Drago Papler: Knjiga folklornih pripovedi Pod gorami; Gorenjski Glas, 13.11.2017

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folk literature
folklore research
folk tales
literary folklore
Slovenian folk tales


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