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Osnove klavirske in orgelske igre. Rokopis 511 iz Frančiškanskega samostana Novo mesto (znanstvenokritična elektronska objava vira s komentarji).
Noten-Buch / darinnen / die Fundamenta / zu dem / CLAVIER / oder / Orgel / enthalten

Author: Radovan Škrjanc
Year: 2012

In addition to the facsimile, scientific and critical transcription and Slovenian translation of the original Noten-Buch darinnen die Fundamenta zu dem Clavier oder Orgel enthalten, the web publication also contains five comprehensive scientific debates dealing with defining the role and place of the source and with its analyzing. The first of debates identifies the historical role of this text book in the piano pedagogy development in the 18th century; the second debate contains the review of all theoretic music sources of the 18th century stored in Slovenia; the third debate summarizes the results on the investigation of authorship, age and site of origin of the manuscript; the fourth debate is a study of musical, theoretical and pedagogical principles in comparison to similar documents of the 18th century; the fifth debate deals with the analysis of the compositional aspect of the Fundamenta music and its comparison to the content of compositions for keyboard instruments originating from other parts of Europe.

music for the piano


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