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Od Ribnice do Rakitnice. Ljudska pesem in glasba v Ribniški dolini.
From Ribnica to Rakitnica. Folk songs and music of the Ribniška dolina valley.

Selected by: Zmaga Kumer, Drago Kunej, Mirko Ramovš
Year: 2003

The Institute of Ethnomusicology holds as many as 837 audio or written recordings of folk songs and tunes from the Ribiška dolina valley. This invaluable collection is partly represented on this compact disc. The recordings are sorted according to the contents: the CD starts with songs of local character, followed by wedding, drinking and humorous songs, as well as wake and religious songs. In the next group there are examples of a folk evening prayer, New Year’s wish, Epiphany carol, incantation and a weather prayer, followed by narrative songs (ballads) and love songs. In order to present the heritage of folk musicians and to add variety, some tunes of typical folk dances in the Ribniška dolina valley and an example of bell chiming are included as well.

Table of content

1. Od Ribnce do Rakitnce

2. Ne bom ga uzela

3. Pokšotiš

4. Še nocoj smo prišli v vašo hišo

5. Vse veselje je minulo

6. Abraham ma sedem sinu

7. Le pijmo ga, ne glejmo ga

8. V Kangalileji na ohcet so bli

9. Ko je Bog ta grešni svet ustvaril

10. Čotiš

11. Le padej, padej droben dež

12. Rasti, rasti rožmarin

13. Zidam, zidam opoteko

14. Finfar –pritrkavanje

15. Zlati očenaš

16. Žalostna mati pod križem stoji

17. Sveti križ, božji križ

18. Voščim vam srečnu nov letu

19. Prišli smo, prišli smo sv. Trije kralji

20. Ajncpolka

21. Muje očesce naj bo čistu

22. Oče nebeški, usmili se nas

23. O ti šmaren oblak

24. Oponašanje zvonov

25. Navadna polka

26. Lepa Vida

27. Jaz bi se pa rad oženiw

28. Mlinček

29. Minulo je že sedem let

30. Snoči so se fantje stepli

31. Zibenšrit

32. Dobro jutro, Rozka zala

33. Sveta Krstinca je bolna ležala

34. Božec, božec po Rim petlá

35. Pouštrtanc

36. Zvedu sem nekaj novega

37. Šla bom na goro visoko

38. Šuštarska

39. Sinoči sem na vasi staw

40. Polk

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folk songs
vocal music


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