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Od koška do koša. Folklorne in spominske pripovedi iz občine Mirna Peč in okolice.

Author: Lojzka Krevs
Year: 2024

At the initiative of Dr. Marija Stanonik, mentor and editor of the Glasovi collection, the residents of Mirna peč have started collecting the stories of our ancestors. In two years, we created a book of 512 folklore and memorial stories from the municipality of Mirna Peč. The neighboring municipalities of Mokronog – Trebelno, Mirna, Trebnje, Ivančna Gorica and Novo mesto are also symbolically represented.

The stories are grouped into ten different sets that follow the original design of the collection. The first set begins with the fairy tales of the writer and chronicler Vid Ambrožič from Gorenja vas pri Mirni, while all other tales, anecdotes, etc. were acquired in the field. The stories are written in standard Slovenian for the most part, some are in the colloquial language, and a large part are written in a simplified dialect. Sixteen stories, added to the book by dialectologist Prof. Dr. Vera Smole, however, are written in the Mirna peč dialect. A glossary of lesser-known dialect words and phrases has been included to make the texts easier to understand. Marjetka Saje has used charming illustrations to shed light on life in the olden times and created a map of the birthplaces of the stories. Ljudmila Bajc, head of the Museum of Lojze Slak and Tone Pavček, provided a geographical, historical, economic and cultural outline of the municipality of Mirna Peč.

Table of content

Beseda h knjigi (Marija Stanonik)
Mirna peč v medeni zgodbi treh dolin (Ljudmila Bajc)
Da jih ne bi pozabili (Lojzka Krevs)

I. Pravljice
II. Bajčne povedke
III. Strašljive povedke
IV. Razlagalne povedke
V. Legendne povedke
VI. Zgodovinske povedke
VII. Socialne povedke
VIII. Etnološke pripovedi
IX. Anekdote
X. Šaljive povedke

O narečnem govoru in zapisu (Vera Smole)
Slovar manj znanih narečnih besed in besednih zvez
Abecedni seznam pripovedovalcev
Abecedni seznam zapisovalcev
Abecedni seznam zapisov po spominu
Abecedni seznam dveh ali več avtorjev
Abecedni seznam objav: knjiga, bilten, časopis, arhiv
Kazalo pravljic in povedk

More ...

Regular price
25.00 €

Online price

folklore research
Mirna Peč
Slovene language
Slovenian folk tales


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