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O ustvarjalnosti v znanstvenem raziskovanju. Vabilo na dvom o dvomu.

Author: Andrej O. Župančič
Year: 2006

From the Preface: Many people are put off by the idea that science is mainly about collecting data, and if you are lucky you might stumble across something important. It's a bit like picking mushrooms. But even a bit of research is a tantalising adventure. The somewhat enigmatic subtitle "Invitation to doubt about doubt" gives rise to speculation about what it might mean. Could it be that as we wander along the edge of the unknown, we question things we take for granted and say goodbye to common sense? Whatever the answer, it pays to have as much curiosity as possible. And the courage to throw our favourite beliefs overboard.

Table of content


Kaj je znanstveno raziskovanje?

Ali je znanstvena metoda nujno matematična?

Prilike: pot proti širšim konceptom?

Kaj je ustvarjalnost?

Kozmični intermezzo

V iskanju trdnejših temeljev

Zloraba znanstvenega raziskovanja: izjema ali pravilo?

O dvomu v predzgodovini in danes

Naučimo se sanjati, gospodje!

Ustvarjalno naključje?

Ali lahko skočimo iz lastne kože?

Ustvarjalnost onkraj besed?

In kako naprej?




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