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Naruobe prav. Folklorne in spominske pripovedi iz šentruperske fare na Dolenjskem.

Author: Vera Smole
Year: 2019

The 52nd book from Glasovi collection (En. the Voices) contains 684 units of folklore creativity gathered in the ancient Šentrupert rectories area, today comprising the municipality of Šentrupert (Dolenjska region) with about 2,900 inhabitants. The variety and beauty of the landscape enabled a rich profane and sacred history. People’s domestic life was full of good times but also bad ones which we can tell by many shocking social narratives, faith in different forms of the supernatural and, above all, by numerous anecdotes and humorous narratives that comforted and cheered local people. One of the special stories are probably those displaying a very refined feeling for the language which is emphasized in the title of the book itself – Naruobe prav (En. Wrongly right). In the period of 35 years over 87 storytellers contributed to the collection of the material. Almost all of the narratives are written in the local dialect speech using a simplified transcription. The stories are classified in the following chapters: fairy tales, mythic tales, scary tales, legendary tales, explanatory tales, historical tales, social tales, hunting tales and humorous tales, anecdotes and ethnological narratives. Each chapter introduces at least one folklore form or poem. The book is livening up by the fairy-tale illustrations of Petra Marovt - Pera Maro.

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Jože Uhan: O knjigi Naruobe prav, spomeniku šentruperske domače govorice; Glasilo Občine Šentrupert XXI/2 (poletje 2019), str. 31-32

JSKD OI Trebnje: Narečni večer je pritegnil številne obiskovalce; MojaObč Šentrupert, 21. 6. 2019

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25.00 €

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Slovenian folk tales


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