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Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica

Author: Damjan Prelovšek
Year: 2022

The monograph deals with one of the masterpieces of architect Jože Plečnik (1857–1972), National and University Library in Ljubljana, built between 1936 and 1941. The author, main researcher of Plečnik’s oeuvre, discusses the history of its construction, various projects, reconstruction after the plane crash in 1944, furthermore he analyses the architecture of the building. Beside the study, the book is also important due to its illustrations, not only contemporary photographs, but also complete Plečnik’s projects and sketches, made during the processes of the planning and construction, which are published for the first time.

Table of content

Predgovor urednikov

Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica
Plečnikov predlog postavitve univerze v Tivoliju
Načrt banovinskega inženirja za knjižnico
Plečnikov načrt iz leta 1931 in boj za njegovo uresničitev
Arhitekt Vurnik predstavi svojo zamisel
Arhitekt Salvisberg oceni oba načrta
Plečnik odkloni sodelovanje
Državni denar končno zagotovljen
Plečnik temeljito spremeni načrte
Semperjeva teorija o oblačenju
Vzori in pobude
Gradnja napreduje
Letalska nesreča in prenova po njej
Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica kot temeljni kamen moderne slovenske arhitekture

Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica danes
Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica: načrti in skice


More ...

Marko Golja: Damjan Prelovšek: Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica; Izšlo je, Radio ARS, 13. 4. 2023

Regular price
39.00 €

Online price

library equipment
National and University Library (Ljubljana)
Plečnik, Jože
Slovenian architects
Slovenian architecture
Slovenian art


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