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Na poti v Kamnik

Author: Marija Klobčar
Year: 2016

The volume Na poti v Kamnik (On the Way to Kamnik) is an ethnological and folklore study presenting the life and folk creativity of the wider Kamnik area from the end of the eighteenth century to the present. It is the result of many years of research based on extensive archival material, thorough fieldwork, and theoretical reflections.
The book features many new findings in terms of both the life it discusses and song creativity. The main research focus is on the relationship between the town and the countryside: how the countryside has changed in contact with the town, and how the town changed when its residents used rural folk culture to express their independent ethnic identity. The study uses songs, including ones created in the town, to reveal various social relationships, thereby also shedding light on certain historical processes. Within these frameworks, it observes the perceptions of the Other, which it also traces during times of strong social conflict, such as war and the postwar period. It exemplifies these perceptions with songs and other illustrative material, especially photos.

Table of content

Extensive Summary in English

“On the Way to Kamnik: The Significance of Ethnological and Folklore Studies on Selected Geographical Areas"

with chapters:

The role of the town in the relationship to song tradition

What song tradition reveals about culture and the identification of context

The influence of interest in song tradition on creativity in the countryside, and the role of symbolic identifications

Song practices and expressing social differences

More ...


Marjeta Pisk; Glasnik Slovenskega etnološkega društva 56/1,2 (2016), str. 122–123

Iztok Ilich: NA POTI V KAMNIK; Bukla let. 12/št. 123-124, julij – avgust 2016

Regular price
25.00 €

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folklore research
local monographs
Slovenian folk songs
social conditions
social life


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