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Mladi podjetniki. Etnografije političnega, ekonomskega in moralnega subjekta.

Edited by: Miha Kozorog
Year: 2023

The book is an edited collection of ethnographic examinations of young people as subjects of contemporary capitalism. The youth’s interest in and ventures into entrepreneurship are studied as a social phenomenon complete with political, economic, and moral implications. The collection provides extensive insights into the Slovenian context, complemented by select case studies from Spain, Brazil, and USA. The book chapters offer significant contributions to anthropological studies of young people, anthropological conceptualizations of entrepreneurship, discourses on young entrepreneurs in European Union policies, variability of entrepreneurial ventures and entrepreneurship education in Slovenia, and an autoethnography of a young anthropologist in the world of start-ups.

Table of content

Miha Kozorog

Miha Kozorog
Mladi podjetniki v sodobni Sloveniji v antropološkem objektivu

Richard Pfeilstetter
Mann der Tat, kultura podjetništva in etno-podjetniki: razprava o obsegu afirmativnih, kritičnih in pragmatičnih pristopov k podjetništvu v Španiji

Tatiana Bajuk Senčar
Pojmovanje podjetništva mladih v diskurzih politike Evropske unije

Peter Simonič
Neenaki institucionalni pogoji delovanja mariborskih zagonskih podjetij in zadrug po gospodarski krizi leta 2008

Saša Poljak Istenič
Kako vzgojiti podjetnika? Spodbujanje podjetništva v slovenskem srednješolskem izobraževanju

Vanessa Benak Cvijanović in René Dopler
Etnografija spodbujanja podjetništva v srednji šoli na Dolenjskem

Gregor Cerinšek, Dan Podjed in Sara Arko
Od besed k dejanjem in nazaj k besedam: spodbujanje inovativnosti in podjetništva v interdisciplinarnih študentskih projektih

Virgínia Squizani Rodrigues
“Startup life” in Florianópolis and beyond: An autoethnographic essay

Miha Kozorog
Young entrepreneurs: ethnographies of a political, economic, and moral subject

O avtorjih

More ...

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19.00 €

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collective volume


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