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Medieval Murals. New Perspectives and Research Approaches.

Edited by: Mija Oter Gorenčič
Year: 2024

Medieval mural paintings represent one of the most precious parts of artistic heritage and a crucial source for studying the culture of the relevant times and places, everyday life, and beliefs. They are also helpful for the reconstruction of religious practices and sometimes even historical events. Even the most fragmented remains of medieval murals make for a crucial methodological tool for reconstructing the buildings’ architectural history. The present monograph includes 12 studies by researchers from the broader European area on the selected medieval mural paintings from the end of the 12th to the middle of the 15th century, and it also focuses on the reception of these murals in the 20th century. The monograph thus also brings significant insights into the previously often overlooked question of the interpretation and instrumentalisation of medieval art in the 20th century. The contributions provide several new datings and attributions and reveal many new findings in the fields of iconography, stylistic connections, models, mobility of artists and workshops, commissioning backgrounds, and reception. They also raise new questions and describe modern methodological approaches to studying medieval murals.

Some of the research also extends to technical analysis, restoration and conservation, as a full understanding of medieval murals requires not only their iconographic and stylistic evaluation, but also an insight into their material reality.

Table of content

Mija Oter Gorenčič:
Medieval Murals. New Perspectives and Research Approaches. Preface
Srednjeveške stenske poslikave. Nove perspektive in raziskovalni pristopi. Predgovor

Sara Salvadori:
Reconsidering the Frescoes of the Church of Vieux Pouzauges (Bas-Poitou, France)
Vnovičen razmislek o freskah v cerkvi v Vieux Pouzaugesu (Bas-Poitou, Francija)

Mateja Neža Sitar, Ajda Mladenović, Vlasta Čobal Sedmak, Martina Lesar Kikelj, Simona Menoni Muršič, Anita Klančar Kavčič:
Overlooked Aspects of Wall Painting Evaluation and Treatment
Spregledani vidiki vrednotenja in obravnave stenskega slikarstva

Anita Klančar Kavčič:
The Wall Paintings in the Church of St Cantianus in Vrzdenec, Slovenia. Past Conservation-Restoration Interventions, Conservation Challenges, Interpretation and Evaluation
Stenske poslikave v cerkvi svetega Kancijana na Vrzdencu. Izvedeni konservatorsko-restavratorski posegi, konservatorski izzivi, interpretacija in vrednotenje

Sara Turk Marolt:
Mural Paintings in the Church of Saint Maurus in Arcano Superiore (Friuli, Italy)
Stenske poslikave iz 14. stoletja v cerkvi sv. Mavra v Arcanu Superiore v Furlaniji

Anabelle Križnar, Katja Kavkler, Sabina Dolenec:
Analysis of the Materials and Painting Techniques Used in Medieval Mural Paintings in Slovenia up to 1380
Analiza materialov in slikarskih tehnik srednjeveškega stenskega slikarstva v Sloveniji do leta 1380

Susanne Kaun, Elisabeth Andersen:
Medieval Murals in Norwegian Stone Churches
Srednjeveške stenske poslikave v norveških kamnitih cerkvah

Gorazd Bence:
The Hunt for the Miraculous Stag or St Giles's Hind? On the Iconography of the Mural Painting in the Nave of the Old Parish Church in Turnišče
Lov na čudežnega jelena ali Egidijevo košuto? K ikonografiji stenske poslikave ladje stare župnijske cerkve v Turnišču

Patrícia Monteiro:
Portuguese Medieval Wall Paintings. Missing Pieces for a Long-Awaited Artistic Inventory
Srednjeveške stenske poslikave na Portugalskem. Manjkajoči koščki za dolgo pričakovani umetnostni inventar

Mija Oter Gorenčič:
New Discoveries About the Murals in the Chapel of Turjak Castle, Slovenia
Nova odkritja o poslikavi kapele na gradu Turjak

Anna Kónya:
Images, Liturgy and Illusionism. Late Gothic Wall Paintings Imitating Winged Altarpieces
Podobe, liturgija in iluzionizem. Poznogotske stenske slikarije, posnemajoče krilne oltarje

Katarina Richter:
The Two Mediaeval Churches of Camporosso in Valcanale, Italy
Srednjeveški cerkvi v Žabnicah (Camporosso in Valcanale)

Katarina Mohar:
Frescos from Slovenia in Yugoslav Exhibitions of Medieval Art in the 1950s
Freske iz Slovenije na jugoslovanskih razstavah srednjeveške umetnosti v petdesetih letih 20. stoletja


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12/15th century
art history
art monuments
collective volume
Middle Ages
wall painting
wall paintings


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