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Literarni atlas Ljubljane. Zgode in nezgode 94 slovenskih književnikov v Ljubljani.

Authors: Marjan Dolgan, Jerneja Fridl, Manca Volk
Year: 2014

This is the first atlas of the kind in Slovenia ('The Literary Atlas of Ljubljana'). A collection of biographical articles starts with descriptions of the times which the selected Slovenian literary men and women spent in Ljubljana. There is a wide range of conflicting literary and ideological orientations as well as turbulent social and political developments in Slovenian capital. Numerical indications of places (author of the texts is Marjan Dolgan) serve the readers to find locations on the attached maps of Ljubljana (authors Jerneja Fridl and Manca Volk) where the writers and poets lived, attended school or received their education, worked, died and are buried. There are pubs where they amused themselves, and prisons where they were locked up by the authorities. Also places of love romances and misfortunes, public scandals, social spectacles, even mysterious disappearances. Ljubljana as the venue of farces, dramas, tragedies, thrillers and horror stories which Slovenian literary creators experienced. An extensive publication is informative, instructive, funny and thrilling. It contains a great number of data that have not yet been published. Readers will get an insight into previously unknown strata of Slovenian literature.

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Elena Leghissa; Studio D, Radio Trst A 5.2.2015 ob 11.15

Valentina Plahuta Simčič: Je Literarni atlas Ljubljane res enospolni priročnik?; Delo 22.10.2015

Michal Vančura, Miloš Zelenka: Literarni atlas kot »oživljeni« zgodovinopisni žanr; Primerjalna književnost, 39/1 (2016)

Miha Naglič: Literarni atlas Ljubljane; Gorenjski glas 9.2.2015

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literary history
Slovenian literature
Slovenian writers


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