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Latinsko-slovensko-angleška slovarska zbirka pojmov iz srednjeveških notarskih knjig

Author: Darja Mihelič
Year: 2010

The notary books from Piran date back to the last decades of the 13th and the first decades of the 14th century. They comprise seventeen fascicles-codices, some of which have been preserved only in fragments. They are written in simple Latin and bring hundreds of original summaries of business and other transactions with various contents. They use non-standard vocabulary that is only partially covered by the published glossaries. Nine notary books and fragments thereof have been published to date. All are equipped with alphabetized subject indexes, seven of which are trilingual: Latin-Slovenian-English. They are available in the form of computer files.

digital documents
English language
medieval Latin language
notary books
Slovene language
terminological dictionaries


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