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Glasba v Kopru v 17. stoletju
Music in seventeenth-century Koper

Edited by: Metoda Kokole
Year: 2012

The volume is dedicated to music heritage of the coastal region of today's Slovenia. It contains worthy or unique pieces by composers whose works were performed in the 2nd half of the 17th c. at the cathedral of Koper: Gloria and Laudate pueri by the Venetian composer Giovanni Antonio Rigatti preserved in manuscript copies, and a sacred dialogue O amnima peccatrix by Carlo Grossi, from his locally preserved print. The two manuscript Rigatti's compositions are unica and were partly copied by Antonio Tarsia, the foremost local composer and musician. The selection of these three pieces represent al so a cross-section of the then most popular sacred music genres: a mass movement, a psalm setting and a sacred dialogue.

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19.00 €

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17th century
musical culture


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