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Appian and Illyricum

Author: Marjeta Šašel Kos
Year: 2005

This book is a commentary to the short Illyrian History by the Greek historian from the 2nd century AD, Appian of Alexandria. It deals with important events from the ancient history of the eastern Alpine and Adriatic regions as well as the western Balkans. The region of Illyricum more or less corresponds to the western Balkans, and its history has always been complex and problematic, and often obscure. The monograph offers a synthetic survey of the history of Illyricum in the Hellenistic and early Roman periods. The first chapter is dedicated to Appian’s life, works, and sources. It is followed by the Greek text of the Illyrian History, as well as an English translation. All the other chapters are detailed commentaries to Appian’s chapters, including the mythological origin of the Illyrian peoples, the dimensions of Illyria and its geographic characteristics, and the attack of the Scordisci on the sanctuary of Apollo in Delphi. One long chapter deals with the three Illyrian Wars, and another with the conquest of Dalmatia. The exhaustive commentary to the Illyrian Wars of Octavian, the future emperor Augustus, is very important. The book also deals with the conquest and Romanisation of Pannonia, Noricum, and Rhaetia, as well as Moesia. It ends with a long Appendix, with comments on other important episodes from the history of Illyricum.

Table of content


Appian − His Life and Work

The Illyrica: Greek Text and Translation

Characteristics of the Illyrica

The Dimensions of Illyria (Illyr. 1)

The Mythological Origin of the Illyrian Peoples (Illyr. 2)

Illyria in Upheaval − Sacrilege against the Delphic Sanctuary (Illyr. 3− 5)

Appian's Definition of Illyria (Illyr. 6)

The Illyrian Wars (Illyr. 7− 9)

Conquests of Illyricum in the Second and Early First Centuries BC (Illyr. 10−11)

Caesar and Illyricum (Illyr. 12− 13; 15)

Appian's Paeones (Illyr. 14)

Octavian's Campaigns in Illyricum (Illyr. 15− 28)

Raetia and Noricum (Illyr. 29)

Moesia in Appian's Illyrica (Illyr. 30)

Data Relating to Illyria, Drawn from Other Parts of Appian's Roman History

Bibliography of Works Cited


Detailed contents (pdf)

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Appianus Alexandrinus
Balkan Peninsula
Roman empire


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