Publikacija Slovenski jezik / Slovene Linguistic Studies 12/2019 Slovenski jezik / Slovene Linguistic Studies Leto: 2019
Publikacija Platforma 1 Zbornik študentk in študentov Podiplomske šole ZRC SAZU Leto: 2019 Uredili: Lea Kuhar, Vita Zalar Redna cena7,00 €Spletna cena6,30 €SPLETNA TRGOVINA
Publikacija Worlding a Peripheral Literature Canon and World Literature Leto: 2019 Avtor: Marko Juvan
Serials/Publications Thought, Society, Culture / Slovenian and South Eastern European Perspectives Leto: 2014
Publikacija Atlas of industry and industrial towns in Europe Leto: 2018 Uredili: Manca Volk Bahun, David Bole, Rok Ciglič
Publikacija Catalogue of Good Practices of Sustainable Culinary Heritage Experiences in Mediterranean Area Leto: 2018 Uredili: Mateja Šmid Hribar, Peter Kumer, Nika Razpotnik Visković
Publikacija The Land of Shadows [druga izdaja] The memory of the expulsion and disappearance of the Jewish community in Prekmurje Leto: 2016 Avtorja: Oto Luthar, Martin Pogačar Redna cena9,00 €Spletna cena8,10 €SPLETNA TRGOVINA